North West England


North West England

North West England


英國有一隻貓貓經常會在主人出門上班後,到家附近的墓園「出席」喪禮,而且每次都非常準時,就擁有「第六感」,為逝者的家屬帶來慰藉。 據當地傳媒報道,八歲的貓貓「Paddy」與主人Christina Jones、Stuart Hague居住在威勒爾(Wirral)Eastham,主人但一直都不知道Paddy平時外出是去「參加」喪禮。 直到三年前,Paddy有一次失蹤了五天,Christina和Stuart四處發出尋貓啟示,最後接到Mayfield墓園工作人員的電話,才知道Paddy經常到墓園「送別」逝者,而今已參加了超過100場喪禮,Paddy更被封為「貓貓禮儀師(funeral cat)」。 墓園的喪禮規劃師Carol Paton指,Paddy像有「第六感」,總能準時出現,然後到棺材旁致意,如果逝者家屬同意,Paddy就能參加整場喪禮,「有牠在,家屬能得到額外的慰藉。」 今年五月,當地一位64歲的媽媽Jan McKinnon得知Paddy的故事後,決定讓牠參與愛貓女兒Mel的喪禮。Jan指,當日Paddy在椅子上,認真「參與」的樣子給現場製造出一種美好的氛圍。喪禮結束後,Jan回到墓園看望女兒時,Paddy就在一旁,令她覺得好像有個家人在身邊陪伴,非常窩心!

Stop calling the po-po over poo-poo. Oregon police are begging residents not to call 911 over a coronavirus-related toilet paper shortage. “It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this,” writes the Newport Oregon Police Department. “Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance.” The coastal city’s police department also suggests alternatives for bathroom tissue including “grocery receipts, newspaper, cloth rags, lace, cotton balls and that empty toilet paper roll sitting on the holder right now.” “Be resourceful. Be patient. There is a TP shortage. This too shall pass. Just don’t call 9-1-1. We cannot bring you toilet paper,” the cops conclude. Shoppers around the world have been furiously snatching and hoarding toilet paper and other essentials as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread. In New York City, panic buying has taken over and some shelves are all but completely bare. In Australia, tensions are very high over toilet paper, as one video shows customers brawling over a TP package while another shows a stampede of shoppers hoping to get their hands on some two-ply and other household items. Two women were even caught on camera throwing punches in a store over bathroom tissue, and police down under were forced to use a taser on a man who got violent about the dwindling supply. Even celebrities are complaining about toilet paper shortages, such as actress Tori Spelling who lashed out on Instagram. “We’re all sick and the kids’ schools are closed, so we’re all home. And it’s raining. And the stores are out of toilet paper and we have seven butts to wipe and no toilet paper to be found,” the 46-year-old said in a video Thursday.

McDonald’s will shut down all of its restaurants in the UK and Ireland after previously offering takeaway and drive-thru services amid increasing concern over the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. The fast food giant first stripped back its offering on 17 March when it announced it would close all seating areas across the country to mitigate the spread of the virus, which has killed 281 people in the UK. However in a statement the business confirmed it would go a step further by fully closing its more than 1,300 outlets across the region by 7pm on Monday. In a statement, the company said: “We have taken the difficult decision to close all McDonalds restaurants in the UK and Ireland by 7pm on Monday 23 March at the latest. “This is not a decision we are taking lightly, but one made with the wellbeing and safety of our employees in mind as well as in the best interests of our customers.” The company plans to work with local community groups to distribute its leftover food. It comes two days after the government called on all restaurants, pubs and bars to close – however in his announcement Boris Johnson left the door open to those seeking to sell meals for home delivery. Mr Johnson had appealed for the country to take the ban seriously “to protect the NHS and save lives” but promised to review the measures “each month” “I do accept that what we’re doing is extraordinary – we’re taking away the ancient inalienable right of freeborn people of the United Kingdom to go to the pub,” he said. “And I can understand how people feel about that. But I say to people who do go against the advice that we’re getting, the very clear advice that we’re getting from our medical and scientific experts, you know you’re not only putting your own life, the lives of your family, at risk – you’re endangering the community.”

‘This is not a decision we are taking lightly, but one made with the wellbeing and safety of our employees in mind’


Christmas is coming to town!! 😍 #snoopy #史努比 #史路比 #史諾比


歡迎一班鍾意小動物嘅朋友,一齊分享同傾偈。如果有咩問題,可以係度發問,大家一定幫到你。 溫馨提示:做個負責任主人,愛護小動物🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐥🦉🐢




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Snoopy~PEANUTS 70周年紀念



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