🔥 Legendary Stands and their users 🔥 Although both have invincible stands, unfortunately both users are.. Twitter @VvFKCHANNELvV
🔥 Legendary Stands and their users 🔥 Although both have invincible stands, unfortunately both users are.. Twitter @VvFKCHANNELvV
Super innovative VR 3D x 2D manga! When you arrive at the designated spot, the dialog boxes shows up Twitter @YukiecchiZeme
Someone in Japan photographed the real Alice in Borderland?! 💀 (It was actually the moment when the tripod fell 😃) Twitter @かっぱ📷転倒写真家 kappa_photo
💀 E-Sport that kills 🎮 Israel is testing new tanks to make it easier for the younger generation, by using Xbox controllers to control. A tablet screen shows maps, ammo, weapons available, etc. Just like FPS games. The test are getting good results, as the soldiers are already very familiar with the controller, the time it takes for them to be skillful is much reduced compared to traditional controls Maybe a few years later, when the killing robots technology becomes matured, E-Sport players would be recruiting as remote controlling soldiers...
Anything and everything about ACG and Japan culture! Welcome otaku!
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