彗星 C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) 彗星非常接近太陽,天太光的關係,肉眼比較難看見,但用雙筒望遠鏡還是可以看到彗星尾 Date: 2020-07-13 4:43 AM Location: Taipo, Hong Kong Camera: A7S (modded) Telescope: BORG55FL+レデューサー7880 Integration: 3sec*8frames Tracking: iOptron SkyGuider Pro Processing: DSS, PI, PS #天文 #彗星

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7月份 零晨/傍晚 肉眼看得見的彗星 Neowise C/2020 F3

Saturn (North up) Seeing: 4/5 Capture details: Date: 20200715 14:55 (UTC) Telescope: Celestron C8-A XLT FocalLength: ~4000mm (2X Powermate) Mount: Rainbowastro RST-135 Camera: QHYCCD QHY224C + QHY290M with ADC Exposure: 3mins RGB (1min each) + 9mins L (1min each); stacked 70% Processed: AS, RS, WinJUPOS, PS

今晚的木星與土星 Capture details: Date: 20200617 Telescope: Celestron C8-A XLT FocalLength: ~4000mm (2X Powermate) Mount: Rainbowastro RST-135 Camera: QHYCCD QHY224C with ADC Exposure: Jup9mins Sat4mins RGB (30s each); stacked 50% Processed: AS, RS, WinJUPOS, PS #行星 #天文 #土星 #木星


所以喜歡天文嘅朋友都歡迎加入討論 嚟緊如果疫情好轉,夏季會同一班天文同好搞市區roadshow,提供大型支望遠鏡比市民觀星✨




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