「SUMMER SOUL 2021 參展單位」🎈 參展單位 – One Little Planet ==================== |相關資訊| Facebook: facebook.com/onelittleplanet Instagram: instagram.com/1littleplanet instagram.com/pohpoh.studio ==================== Amaz By Lokianno 地址:銅鑼灣百德新街53號 營業時間:星期一至日 12:00 - 20:00 門票預售日期:6月5日至7月17日 門票預售詳情: reurl.cc/YO812a ----------------------------- Summer Soul 2021 日期:7月18日 (星期日) 時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心3樓展貿廳2 #Repost @pohpoh.studio with @make_repost ・・・ This is the first post I want to make around this year's Summer Soul. It's a special post because Poh 1 is coming back! When I first created Poh 1 I had no idea if people would like it so we only produced a super limited quantity; only very few people were able to get it. Now that we've grown thanks to you, I want to give everyone another chance at getting the classic Poh. For those who bought the original Poh 1, thank you so much for supporting me since day 1. And don't worry, your original Poh 1 is slightly different than the new Poh 1, so you can still proudly say you were there since the beginning! I'll let you find out where the difference is! There will be more info in the up coming weeks on what we will sell at Summer Soul this year. Thank you everyone and see you soon! #1littleplanet #pohpohstudio #poh #summersoul2021

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TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展2020 - 展覽更改日期公佈 再次感謝各位對亞洲玩具展TOYSOUL的支持。 原訂於2019年12月舉辦之TOYSOUL亞洲玩具將會更改至明年2020年6月19日至21日舉行。 如我們有進一步消息,將會透過官方各大社交平台公佈。 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展 2020 日期: 19-21/6/2020 (星期五至日) 時間: 6月19至20日:11:00至21:00 6月21日:11:00至18:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿3樓匯星 TOYSOUL 3-Days Latest Exhibition Date Release Once again, thank you for all your support of the TOYSOUL. TOYSOUL exhibition will be held on 19-21 June, 2020. For any update information of the event, it will be announced through the official social platforms. TOYSOUL 2020 Date: 19-21 June, 2020 Time: 19-20 June: 11:00-21:00 21 June: 11:00-18:00 Venue: Star Hall, 3/F, KITEC, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

!! 萬眾期待 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展2020 強勢回歸!! 首先再次感謝各位及各界對亞洲玩具展TOYSOUL的支持。原訂舉辦之TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具於今年2020年12月13日舉行。 有關進一步活動及產品消息,將會透過官方各大社交平台公佈。 大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展 2020 日期: 13/12/2020 (星期日) 時間: 11:00至19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心 六樓 ROTUNDA 3 如有興趣參展或參觀人仕,歡迎隨時電郵至 : info@toysoul.hk,我們會盡快與你聯絡。 期待你們參予在12月舉行的ToySoul亞洲玩具展。 大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOYSOUL Exhibition Date Release Once again, thank you for all your support for TOYSOUL. We have confirmed TOYSOUL will be held on 13 December, 2020, at KITEC. For any update information of the event, it will be announced through the official social platforms. TOYSOUL 2020 Date: 13 December, 2020 Time: 11:00-19:00 Venue: Rotunda 3 , 6/F, KITEC, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong If you are interested in participating or visiting ToySoul 2020, you can email to : info@toysoul.hk. We look forward to your participation of the toy exhibition - ToySoul 2020!! #TOYSOUL #亞洲玩具展 #designertoy #arttoy #exhibition #KITEC


在2014年,我們在香港舉辦了首届「亞洲玩具展」TOYSOUL。在五年間,無論參展商及入場人數都一直屢創新高。TOYSOUL「亞洲玩具展」是一個以展示各款玩具新作丶潮流玩意及原創玩具的大型玩具展銷會。除了香港的展商外,更有來自中國大陸、澳門、台灣、日本、韓國、泰國等參展單位。當中展出及發售的製品包括不同比例的收藏人偶、原創玩具丶插畫創作丶電玩遊戲、周邊商品丶技術展示以及各種潮流產物等等。 TOYSOUL「亞洲玩具展」不單是香港的年度盛事,也是亞洲區其中一個具有指標性及具影響力的玩具展覽會。




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